is now available for less than $10.00

After seeing Andrew Chazen’s incredible post about how is available for less than $10, we immediately looked up and OMG – it was available!

If the domain is now taken, you now know one of the many benefits of reading DomainGang. 😀

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12 Responses to “ is now available for less than $10.00”
  1. BullS says:

    I have a baby butt and you all can wipe my butt


  2. Seb says:

    It’s a rubbish domain, FYI

  3. Anunt says:

    @ BullS,

    Since u have a baby butt, u can file UDRP and win

    I think you have a great “babywipecase”.com

  4. Bill says:

    Hah, I’m sure Andrew is a good sport. This was pretty funny)

  5. Josh says:

    Holy smokes, is also available!

    If the domain is now taken, you now know the many benefits of reading this comment.

  6. Smurge says:

    I bought the domain name. Oddly you may say it’s rubbish , garbage , etc but i have a different thought on it. You see I have 2 kids and I buy a ton of wipes. My wife, who takes care of the kids, orders wipes online in bulk and is always looking for the best deal. Now she’s not the only mom looking for this, in fact there or hundreds of thousands of moms doing this. She happens to be part of a huge forum that is always looking for the best deal on baby wipes. Now, I’m sure you can see where I am going with this so I don’t think I need to explain anymore.

    The bottom line,

    Thanks for this domain name !

  7. Lucius "Gunz" Fabrice says:

    Smurge – You’re welcome, Mr. Baby Butt Wipes entrepreneur 😀

  8. BullS says:

    Smurge- we are here to make you RICH

    We were so poor we have to use banana leaves to wipe my butt

  9. Lucius "Gunz" Fabrice says:

    BullS – However poor you might become, never wipe with a fig leaf.

  10. @AndrewHazen says:

    Smurge – glad you grabbed the domain name and see/understand its value….I also appreciate the chuckle from the team at DomainGaing….thanks guys (GRIN)


  11. Smurge says:

    I’ll tell you something interesting. This domain has actually brought a lot of attention on my facebook. I posted it on there as a cheesy joke and oddly enough people started saying: “okay, I have to know what you do! That’s a great name.”

    Granted I understand I can develop it very easily, get customers very easily, and make my money back on this $8.50 investment. But I thought it was interesting how the name alone got people on my facebook to ask what I do. lol

    Anyways it’s parked now and there is a little shout out to domaingang on it.

    Gotta Run – kid is crying!

    (**where did i leave those dang wipes**)

  12. Lucius "Gunz" Fabrice says:

    Thanks Smurge – you rock 😀

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