Warren Royal to launch dot .Heads abandoning Bobbleheads.com

These days, we cannot keep up with new gTLD launches by ICANN’s money making machine. Despite having domain tools such as Calzone to fall back to, plenty of times things fall through the proverbial cracks. Warren Royal‘s new venture, dot .Heads, is about to materialize, after successfully applying for the .Heads gTLD in June. “ICANN […]

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Nude Bobble Heads: The market is ripe for domain investments

Four years ago, when Link Yin formed her bobble head company in Beijing, China, she took a government loan of 40,000 yuan – about $6500 in today’s prices. Having achieved gross earnings of $1.2 million in 2012, Bob-A-Head Inc. is one of China’s fastest producers of bobble head memorabilia figures. “We launch now nude bobble […]

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