DNWE has been acquired by DomainManage

DNWE, the semi-private domain platform designed with investor-driven transactions in mind, has been acquired. The new owners, DomainManage.com, announced the news via direct mail to DNWE members. It’s an odd situation, as DomainManage.com itself is up for sale! Founder Ryan De Corsie Ewen announced that both DomainManage.co.uk and DomainManage.com are being sold as infrastructure only. […]

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DNWE drops subscriptions; offers 12% domain sale commission fee

Two years ago, DNWE, the domain marketplace for curated and non-curated domains, catering to domain investors primarily, switched to a subscription-based model. While plenty of domain investors did use the service, renewal rates weren’t that great, apparently, despite the platform’s unique position as an investor-centric exchange. This is all changing, as the latest update from […]

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A two letter .com #domain name was just added on DNWE!

When you have a domainer-centric marketplace like DNWE, anything can happen. The platform introduced Dutch style auctions recently, and the feedback has been great. Knowledge of Dutch is not required, mind you; the reference is to auctions with a price that is reduced until the BIN is met. And now, for the first time ever, […]

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DNWE : #Domainer platform gets ready to go Dutch

Domainer-centric aftermarket, DNWE, is building up its list of features. Just weeks after tweaking the process of listing domains to cut down on waiting time, the DNWE.com operators are bringing more to the plate. According to an announcement, Dutch auctions are coming soon, providing domain sellers and buyers with an alternate approach to selling and […]

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DNWE : #Domain marketplace announced exciting new changes

DNWE, the domain marketplace for curated and non-curated domains, catering to domain investors primarily, has announced exciting new changes. All domains will now appear in the same lot, with Curated and Non-Curated domains showing up in the same place. Curated domains will be bolded and identified by a gold icon. There is also a filter […]

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