Domaining Europe 2014 opens its gates tomorrow

Domaining Europe 2014 opens its gates tomorrow, May 8th, in beautiful Valencia, Spain. The European domain conference features a full agenda and more than 20 international speakers; the event will last until May 10th. A key focus of the conference will be the future of the expanding domain name space, which incorporates the new gTLDs. […]

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Domaining Europe 2014 special discount coupon

Dietmar Stefitz of Domaining Europe, the biggest and longest established domain conference in Europe, is offering a discount coupon for our readers. Inspired by yesterday’s fabulous write-up on domains and fashion by our Domain socialite, Bina Bitterman, Dietmar is offering a massive 50% discount to Domaining Europe 2014. You too can enjoy the highly acclaimed, […]

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Domaining Europe: Domains and gTLDs discussed in Spain

The 6th Conference of European Domaining will take place in beautiful Valencia, Spain in May. Scheduled from May 8th to May 10th, 2014, Domaining Europe features more than 20 international speakers and 120+ top executives from 20 countries. In the past, the event has been an international success. This year, the new market conditions due […]

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Dot .PT: Long after Spain, Portugal to allow ccTLD registrations

Several years after Spain opened up its national ccTLD, dot .es, to the general public, Portugal – fellow cohabitant nation of the Iberian peninsula – does the same with dot .pt This means that dot .pt will be the newest European ccTLD to open up its keyword availability to everyone! “From May 1st, anyone can […]

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Obese domainers a no-go at European domainer conferences

Get on with the times: eating too much and not exercising enough can damage your health, but would it affect your domainer rights? The overall consensus seems to be that if you plan to attend any domainer conferences scheduled outside of the US, you might need to go on a diet first. “We definitely see […]

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