GoDaddy customer complains about Bar Refaeli’s lack of support
Posted by DomainGang on February 5, 2013, at 6:50 pm
It was expected: after the infamous “Perfect Match” commercial that claimed GoDaddy has both a geeky and a sexy side, a customer filed a complaint with the Consumer Protection Services. “I called GoDaddy support and asked for Bar Refaeli to assist me with my issue,” said Jonas Flauti, a small business owner from Connecticut. “I […]
Filed under Domain News · Tagged with Bar Refaeli and chubby kid, Chubby GoDaddy kid, Chubby guy GoDaddy,, Domainers, Domaining, Domains, GoDaddy commercial, Jesse Heiman, Jesse Heiman GoDaddy, Jesse Heiman chubby kid, KOVAS video, Super Bowl GoDaddy, domain news, domain news done right, domaingang gets registered
Posted by DomainGang on February 4, 2013, at 11:52 am
Some creative soul, potentially this guy, has registered the domain name They also used GoDaddy as the registrar! After all the negative backlash about the “Perfect Match” commercial, this was expected. Meanwhile, Bob Parsons insists that the commercial was a financial success: “USA Today Ad Meter rated Go Daddy’s Bar Rafeli Kiss SB […]
Filed under Domain News · Tagged with Bar Refaeli and chubby kid, Chubby GoDaddy kid, Chubby guy GoDaddy,, Domainers, Domaining, Domains, GoDaddy commercial, Gross Daddy, GrossDaddy,, Jesse Heiman, Jesse Heiman GoDaddy, Jesse Heiman chubby kid, Super Bowl GoDaddy, domain news, domain news done right, domaingang
‘Ice Cream’: Chubby GoDaddy geek in Sexy new KOVAS video!
Posted by DomainGang on February 4, 2013, at 11:19 am
By now you’ve probably thrown up several times, after seeing GoDaddy’s “Perfect Match” commercial. The red faced, chubby GoDaddy geek making out with Israeli supermodel, Bar Refaeli, received numerous remarks after the Super Bowl – the majority being explicitly negative. Let’s face it: there was nothing inventive about that GoDaddy commercial. Now, if instead of […]
Filed under Domain News · Tagged with Bar Refaeli and chubby kid, Chubby GoDaddy kid, Chubby guy GoDaddy,, Domainers, Domaining, Domains, GoDaddy commercial, Jesse Heiman, Jesse Heiman GoDaddy, Jesse Heiman chubby kid, KOVAS, KOVAS video, Super Bowl GoDaddy, domain news, domain news done right, domaingang