Russian economy is hurting currently, and it’s not because of a resurgence of Communism.
In Russia, the economy is rather consumer-oriented, and traditional commerce maintains a European flair as far as Capitalism is concerned.
With the price of oil plummeting, Russia’s financial sector is getting hit; the dropping exchange of the Ruble against both the Dollar and the Euro is expanding the crisis even further.
Russian domainers are witnessing this bout of ‘bad economy’ as well; the price of dot .com domains has skyrocketed recently, due to the exchange rate.
Says one frustrated domain investor from Russia:
“Due to the rise of the dollar to the .com domain extension of 1 year GoDaddy now worth 829 rubles. and this is with a promotion code (35% discount). Inflation reached more than 200% in less than two months.“
The shocking news of such a price increase might lead more Russian domainers towards local dot .RU domains, changing their favorite TLD in the process.
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