Domain Sherpa rolls out epic video

Michael Cyger – DomainSherpa.

DomainSherpa, the domainer “slash” video producer known for its “unbiased, authoritative information to help you discover, acquire, manage, monetize and sell domain names” has produced an epic video interview with domainers.

Just over 12 hours and 40 minutes long, the “Domain Sherpa Guide to Domaining Success” took almost six weeks to complete.

“I received a lot of feedback from my viewers and decided to go all out,” said Michael Cyger, who operates DomainSherpa.

“In this video I’ve interviewed forty-seven domainers and hopefully you’ll find interesting the fact that I did not edit out their potty breaks or lunches, the footage is raw for you to enjoy” said Cyger.

The lengthy video is available for sale on 4 DVDs or 13 VHS tapes, as Michael Cyger supports the tape format for domainers that live in remote parts of the country, such as the North Carolina mountains and the Navajo reservation.

He plans to keep his epic creation affordable, so domainers should be pleasantly surprised by the total cost, when they do inquire.

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2 Responses to “Domain Sherpa rolls out epic video”
  1. Fake Michael Cyger says:

    Hahaha this is hilarious! If I were Michael Cyger I’d do an eskimo dance in excitement!

  2. Lucius "Gunz" Fabrice says:

    Fake Michael Cyger – Now that’s absurd. There are no Eskimos where the Sherpas live. Unless the Himalayas moved to Alaska recently, of course.

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