eNom : Transfer policy and the “60-day domain lockdown” snafu by ICANN

We continue our coverage on the 60-day lockdown period imposed to domain transfers by ICANN, when WHOIS information is changed.

Registrars can offer an opt-out process, and so far we reached out to Name.com, and Uniregistry, who responded with their respective policies and process.


eNom, a Rightside company, have announced that they too support the opt-out part of the process.

This is great news for domain investors, that utilize the domain registrar services provided by eNom, and here is the summary:

Whenever a material change is made to the registrant’s name, organization, or email address—which could occur while transferring ownership of a domain, or simply updating contact information—a new Change of Registrant process will begin.

Enom will act as a “designated agent” on behalf of the relevant domain registrant(s). Whenever a Change of Registrant process is triggered, we will auto-approve the changes to the contact information, then email the party or parties noting the change. The domain will then be placed in a 60-day transfer lock (unless the previous registrant chooses to opt out of the waiting period).

Is it possible to opt out of the transfer lock at eNom?

Yes. Registrants can opt out of the transfer lock initiated by the change of registrant information anytime before the changes are saved.

For a dedicated portal on the new ICANN policy on WHOIS changes, as it applies to eNom domains, click here.

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