to utilize established Customer Retention methods in domaining, one of the top three domain registrars in the US in phone responsiveness, are upping the ante right in the heart of the summer.

 “We are not ashamed to provide our top customers, single males aged between 21 to 55, with additional benefits related to their expected testosterone levels,” said company spokesman, Vic Dixon.

“In the past, many have criticized GoDaddy about the use of attractive females on their domain registrar pages; guess what, now that there is nothing there, their domain share has dropped!” exclaimed Dixon.

The use of buxom females on the homepage will continue all summer long, particularly since Frank Schilling’s “Seven Mile” blog got a similar makeover for a few months, last year.

“From a web designer’s perspective, I have no doubt that they will have a lot of success with this new web site redesign,” said domain developer, Tia Wood. “It’s not a secret that most male domainers are ‘swagger’ dogs and all they need is a pair of titties in order to complete a transaction!” exclaimed Tia Wood, smiling.

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5 Responses to “ to utilize established Customer Retention methods in domaining”
  1. Howie Crosby says:

    LOL! Don’t make me laugh! I reg with these guy’s and I’m sure I haven’t seen this home page? It’s hard to tell as they change their HP so often, keeping fresh pic’s up all the time. But I know 😉

    Anyway Godaddy had that retro 70/80s sexist thing going on, by placing a female in front of a hotrod to sell the teen some hosting on a generic website. Seriously, I really can’t believe that kind of marketing thought goes on anymore!

    Love, peace and hair grease, Howie.

  2. DomainGang says:

    Howie – Glad you approve of the new look and feel. It’s a non-brainer, Page 3 tabloids used it effectively. God bless the almighty mammaries and their domain selling powers! 😀

  3. Kate says:

    “I did not have sex with that domain !”

  4. Jared says:

    Needless to say nor Mr. Dixon is happy about this story.

  5. DomainGang says:

    Jared – Please give Mr. Vic Dixon my sincere apologies; I was under the impression he is a soft-spoken, politically correct family man.

    What a pleasant surprise to discover he’s in fact a fine womanizer with a penchant for rolling out sexual innuendos during work hours! 😀

    PS Love the video 😀

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