NameJet : Bidder ‘first’ wins $1.5 million dollar auction of domain sold on NameJet. was auctioned on NameJet.

Can’t beat this guy!

The NameJet bidder alias “first” won the bidding war for the domain

Long associated with an unbeatable bidding record, user “first” on NameJet is in fact a Chinese group of bidders, pooling their cash.

The NameJet auction for the domain attracted 189 bidders, and while some entered the auction out of curiosity, four bid above $1,000,000 dollars.

The winner, “first”, bid $1,510,702 dollars and thus wins Unfortunately, the reserve was higher than the winning bid, so the domain wasn’t sold.

User “first” attempted to guess the reserve price, raising its bids by more than $500,000 dollars in the final 5 minutes, resulting in several extensions of the auction.

The rest of the high bids were as follows:

  • NameJet user “kukku” : $1,100,000
  • NameJet user “amyke” : $1,020,000
  • NameJet user “q9999999” : $1,007,999

We’ll have to wait and see how soon this domain will be relisted, presumably with a lower reserve price.

For now, congratulations to “first” for winning in style. 😀

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2 Responses to “NameJet : Bidder ‘first’ wins $1.5 million dollar auction of domain”
  1. Scott Pruitt says:

    99% true. Bidder first would have won if the reserve had been met. 🙂

  2. DomainGang says:

    Scott – He won the auction 😉

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