To many domainers in Russia, Sergei Putanov is most likely the equivalent of Mike Mann.
The Russian domain investor multibillionaire has influenced domainers in Russia, some of which took up domaining as a way of abstaining from excessive vodka consumption.
Women domainers in Russia are quite scarce, however, and Oksana Dermoskaya is by far the most successful female domainer this side of Gorky Park.
Our permanent correspondent in Moscow, Nikolai Domienenko, spoke with Oksana Dermoskaya about domain investing in Russia.
Nikolai Domienenko: Oksana, thank you for interview. And now, as woman in Russia, what want from people know you better?
Oksana Dermoskaya: Spasibo, Nikolai, and first say peoples I excite give interview, for woman reach high position Russia if Vladimir Putin go down.
Nikolai: I understand you don’t like Vladimir Putin’s oligarchic sexism, that good. But talk domains, how started, where are you and goals for future.
Oksana: Yes, Vladimir Putin sexist man, disrespect woman of Russia. And about domains, I started when Sergei Putanov came Moscow trip talk business for Women Club Moscow, I attend and ask autograph, then spent two days in Putanov dacha in Yekaterinburg. So domain make money, if look good.
Nikolai: Are you saying Sergei Putanov broke his rule, not sleep with woman other than Ukraine lady escort? Amazing story. But tell, how many domains own?
Oksana: Today, I own 1500 domain in .RU and 500 in .com, .net and some .link. I love link and click, from Frank Schillingov.
Nikolai: Nice. You mean, Frank Schilling? He is not Russian, he’s Canadian. And how many sell every year, on average?
Oksana: I not sell, develop. Ok, maybe sell if nice price. I sell 500 ruble minimum, then hour rate go up.
Nikolai: Hour rate, do you mean you lease domain by hour?
Oksana: No, domain free. I go how say America, girlfriend experience. Good money, and domain sold.
Nikolai: I understand. Well, what the future bring for Russian investors, and also females in Russia? Any ideas?
Oksana: Future bring money if keep low weight, gymnastics, and makeup. But work hard, and domain profitable. I speak Russian Investor Domain Forum, next week.
Nikolai: Thank you, Oksana, for interview. Best luck for speaking at forum, good night.

Russian domainer, Oksana Dermoskaya.

Russian domainer, Oksana Dermoskaya.

Russian domainer, Oksana Dermoskaya.

Russian domainer, Oksana Dermoskaya.