The Shakespearean “All’s Well That Ends Well” is befitting the case of several stolen LLL .com domains: they are all back in the possession of their rightful owner, Matt Binder.
Witnessing the saga of four stolen LLL .com domains and another one unfold right after New Year’s, was educating: it wasn’t easy for the owner to quickly regain ownership, even when he presented proof of his lawful ownership and full identification.
A few days later, one of the two registrars where the stolen domains had been transferred to, InternetBS, returned them to the owner; still, two more valuable domains remained in limbo at eNom.
The owner, initially faced difficulty with eNom but as of two days ago both and are under his control.
Overall, it took a full month of intense communication and widespread publication of the news on the domain theft, in order for the domains to be returned.
It’s yet another example of how easy it is to lose control of domain names and how hard it is to regain it.
Congratulations to Matt and to the registrars involved that did the right thing.
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