Dutch domain investor, Tim Schoon, shared with us the results of a massive domain sale.
Instead of going through domain brokers, online domain auction houses or other such venues, Tim chose eBay for the sale of his 150-strong domain portfolio.
Consisting primarily of LLLL .com domains, many of which were the “chips” variety, the Godfather of Chips made a killing.
The revenue from the domain sales was a massive $71,275.86 dollars.

eBay – not just for selling cheap perfume and old pants.
Considering how Tim paid between $20 to $30 dollars each for most of the domains, he made out pretty good.
A couple of domains were sold with a marginal loss but overall it’s good profit, according to Tim.
While selling domains on eBay isn’t for everyone, Tim’s auctions were listed without a reserve.
Before you follow down the same path, make sure your domains are highly liquid, as in this case.
Congratulations, Tim!