No response : #Toptile .com lost via the #UDRP process 15 years later

The domain name was registered in 2003; fifteen years later, it’s lost via the UDRP process at the WIPO. The Complainants are Halstead C&W Corporation of Norwalk, Connecticut, and Tower IPCO Company Limited of Dublin, Ireland. The TOPTILE mark was registered in multiple classes between 2015 and 2018, and yet the 2003 domain registration […]

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Dot .com no more : Sex workers move to Austrian #Switter .AT #domain

The introduction of the FOSTA/SESTA bill drove sex workers away from popular destinations, such as Twitter. Some online forums and ad placement providers closed down voluntarily, others like Backpage were seized by the US authorities. Even third party payment systems such as Payoneer were affected by the bill. For sex workers in many countries around […]

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#Domains and #blockchain : DigitalTown launches Global Youth ambassador program

DigitalTown, a pioneer in the convergence of domain names and blockchain, has announced its Global Youth ambassador program. Beginning with the city of Austin in central Texas, the program will continue provide the younger generation of entrepreneurs with training tools and guidance. Here’s the full press release we received from DigitalTown: SEATTLE and AUSTIN, Texas, […]

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