Whether you love it or hate it, it’s irrelevant: ChatRoulette.com is becoming a major attraction worldwide.
With more than 1 million visits daily, the sub-1000 Alexa ranking destination is a flasher’s paradise.
As we wrote earlier, the number of exhibitionists on ChatRoulette that spank the monkey is a phenomenon that has forced many school network administrators to block it.
Can’t have enough ChaRoulette? Do you find yourself opening multiple windows just to ogle more naked strangers at a time?
Worry not.
There is now SuperChatRoulette – a web site that pulls 8 feeds of “strangers” in a single window to your screen, with your broadcast right in the middle. So now, the odds of seeing someone bashing the bishop in a frenzy have multiplied by a factor of eight.
Whether it’s a passing fad or a sign of times, ChatRoulette is clearly a traffic magnet that has not been monetized yet to its full potential.
Or has it?
Within minutes of our ChefRoulette article, a domainer entrepreneur registered ChefRoulette.com – hopefully unaware that Chef Patrick already owns the rights to the name and project.
By the way, happy 33rd birthday Zezura! 😀
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Dude, all I see there is a bunch of dudes jacking off 🙁 This is horrible!
Some people can’t keep their pants on.
That’s not what you said last night!
haha, you said, bashing the bishop. hat tip Domainimal :Tip-Hat:
Superchatrolette rocks!
Rouletter – Looks like more of the same: idiots jacking off.