was auctioned off at DropCatch, with the auction attracting bidders from all over the world, including China.
The auction ended at $9,011 dollars, with DropCatch user “latedomainer” winning it.
Better late than never! 😀
A great pair of keywords related to cryptography or even cryptocurrency if you may, the domain was registered in 2005 by British company CertiVox.
What caused it to drop 15 years later?
In 2016 the company rebranded, changing its name to MIRACL. That’s like a miracle, without the trailing “e.”
Since the domain forwards to, it’s almost certain that someone dropped the ball on at least one of their IP assets, the domain
And this is how many great, aged domains drop: by losing access to the account that receives notifications to their registration status.
These days, “crypto” is synonymous with cryptocurrency more than cryptography. The core keyword is from the Greek word “kryptos” that means hidden – as Mr. Portokalos would say, “and there you go.”