reportedly sold by Media Options

Media Options didn’t take long to sell the domain; one of the hottest keywords in the market, in a TLD that offers great exposure.

Just days after announcing the exclusive brokerage of, Media Options founder, Drew Rosener, broke the news about the sale:

Well that didn’t take long! is sold. 

NOBODY does it like us. We are the truth. We are the market. #truth #few #DigitalAssets

Registered in 1999, the domain is most likely about to be transferred away from its registrar, Melbourne IT, as it’s unlocked.

There was no indication on the price that Media Options scored but a good estimate would be between $250,000 and $500,000 dollars.

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One Response to “ reportedly sold by Media Options”
  1. Rob says:

    Great Domain / Brand and Timely Sale!

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