It’s a shocking decision but the USPTO apparently gave the trademark for ‘belly‘ to Facebook over the weekend, along with several other body parts such as ‘breasts’, ‘arm’ and ‘leg’.
This definitely puts a brand new perspective to the ongoing battle for at Namejet.
Coming on the heels of the ‘face’ trademark, ‘belly’ will be yet another weapon in the hands of Mark Zuckerberg and his plans to completely dominate the online social media universe.
“At Facebook Inc. we are totally committed to providing our users with the best selection of email options”, said Mark Zuckerberg.
“Our users, that I like to call my friends, will be able to choose between a face, a belly, an arm or a leg email address because we are in negotiations with the .com owners of these words”, added Mark Zuckerberg.
This aggressive acquisition strategy is paying handsomely as Mark Zuckerberg is considered to be among the top 10 youngest and brightest billionaires in the world, despite having stolen the idea for Facebook from a former college student.
Mark Zuckerberg did not confirm that Facebook is also after ‘ass’ and words that describe the human genitals.
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Funny. But a joke, yeah? Asking to trademark FACE and BOOK is bad enough, but when every body part and noun is gone, what will we have left to talk about? It’ll be like when we tried to talk about Prince when he was the pajama clad Artist-Formerly-Known-As-Prince. Or Symbol Man, as some called him.