A member of NamePros shared an interesting story: AOL bought the domain OurOath.com from him, for a “very beautiful price.”
AOL and Yahoo merged, rebranding to Oath, and acquired the domain Oath.com.
It seems that the domain OurOath.com is to be used along the same lines, extending the Oath brand.
The Chinese seller of OurOath.com did not disclose the selling price, and it’s quite possible that the acquisition of OurOath.com involved signing a non-disclosure agreement (NDA.)
Although large companies often use proxy services or middlemen to get domains on the cheap, in this case there is no indication that happened.
Read the full story at NamePros.com.
Sweet! What about Oath.biz
Matthew – What about it?
Sorry I should have added a little more to the comment before submitting it. I found on GoDaddy expired via expireddomains do you think it will hold much value? I have it listed in my Efty marketplace.
It’s a .biz. It has no value.