There’s no doubt Frank Schilling is an uber-domainer unlike no other – perhaps, the ultimate uber-domainer among the living legends of domaining.
Bidding from the Cayman Islands, the hard-working Canadian has managed to acquire a juicy domain portfolio that many crave. Heck, Frank Schilling even owns every known dish known to man – or at least, to exceptional food connoisseurs.
But what about some “hot” domains?
As we pointed out before, Frank is not afraid to bid on trademark domains, on such venues as Namejet.
Frank’s latest acquisition – – returns no less than 3 registered trademarks found at the USPTO. This great-sounding and aged domain was recently won by Frank Schilling at Namejet – for only $2,430.
Still, a trademark is a trademark but Frank’s experience during the past 10 years gives this uber-domainer the advantage of predicting every possible twist of the market – before it happens!
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Franks a Canadian?
Me too, eh!
Being a Canadian, you got to love being offshore (for tax reasons)…too bad for Americans, Uncle Sam follows where ever you go and wants its cut! Didn’t Michael Moore make a movie about taxes being a voluntary thing or something?
Damn, seems the Mafia moved into the IRS house right after cashing in on all the casinos in the middle of no where …oh I miss Vegas and can’t wait to go back and spend my vacation there like a billionaire playboy (just minus the billionaire part) :-p