Brexit closure: .EU Registry drops 48,000 domains today!

EURid, the .EU Registry, is getting rid of approximately 48,000 domains today, linked to British registrants that are no longer able to keep them due to Brexit.

The domains were placed “on-hold” last July and today they will be revoked and released to the general public, in batches.

Only residents or citizens of the European Union’s countries can register .EU domains.

According to Politico, one of these soon-to-be-released domains is Leave.EU:

One case that caught the headlines last year was the domain — registered to the organization of the same name, which had been spearheaded by former Brexiteer MEP Nigel Farage and bankrolled by erstwhile UKIP funder Arron Banks.

However, following an investigation by EURid, the domain was issued with a “withdrawn” status, because the domain holder failed to respond to data verification requests, EURid said on Monday.

Is there a list of these 48,000 .EU domain names somewhere? Good hunting!

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One Response to “Brexit closure: .EU Registry drops 48,000 domains today!”
  1. George T. says:

    I checked a list with 48k .eu domains and found 15k expired ones (not all because of brexit, some expired a while back). I sent you an email about it, but I guess it landed on your spam folder. Let me know if you want it (at no cost of course).

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