Calling all #domain name brokers : An opportunity to manage non-premium #domains!

There are plenty of domain brokers managing premium domain names out there. These fine guys and gals in the domain industry leverage millions of dollars in sales collectively.

A typical brokerage fee ranges from 5% to 20% of the sale, depending on the domain broker’s reputation, connections, and ability to handle volume.

Many successful domain brokers work “on the go,” so don’t be surprised if you see them travel to Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, the Bahamas, Mykonos, or even the Galapagos islands – all while brokering your domains.

There is, however, a need for domain brokers that handle non-premium domains.

Our friend Michael sent us a quick message:

“[Is there] a list of domain name brokers who are not just interested in premium names?”

Well Michael, we are about to find out. No decent domain broker leaves an opportunity for a sale to be wasted!

Just like in Real Estate – where commissions are typically between 4% and 7% – brokers that do this for a living and not as a side job can help you sell your not-so-premium domain names.

We are therefore calling all domain brokers to join in and share their contact information! 😀

Looking for domain brokers to leverage non-premium domain name portfolios – Photo by Dahan Remy on Unsplash

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4 Responses to “Calling all #domain name brokers : An opportunity to manage non-premium #domains!”
  1. leah stapleton says:

    what r the following domains worth?,, Plus I am tons more.
    please let me THANKS

  2. is glad to accept and review lists of domains for consideration and possible brokerage. 21 years domain industry experience Thank you

  3. SHPSh says:

    I would be able to help anyone who has any non-premium domains, charging very reasonable commissions.

    Please do send me your domains or email me.

    Thank you.

  4. SHPSh says:

    I would be able to help anyone who has any non-premium domains, charging very reasonable commissions.

    Please do send me your domains or email me at for any enquiries that you have.

    Thank you.

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