goes mainstream – No more parody news

Some domainers link directly back to Neanderthals in terms of comprehending humor and parody.

Some domainers link directly back to Neanderthals in terms of comprehending humor and parody.

After the huge success of recent days – what with articles about DNForum that unleashed the wrath and stupidity residing in the heads of some domainer acolytes – is officially going mainstream.

No more parody news folks.

It’s dry, “real” news from now on.

We decided to list the subjects we’ll be covering in the next few days, to give you an idea of how straight-laced our subject repertoire will become:

  • How to create WordPress ‘minisites’ – a guide for domainers
  • Flipping 101: Domains and their potential
  • Covering Domainfest at Cape Canaveral via remote camera
  • Parked or Sedo? This is the question
  • Legal advice for domainers from non-lawyers: Good or bad?
  • How to fix typos in your blog: Major analysis
  • What did Chef Patrick cook for breakfast last Tuesday
  • Yes, they are real: Female domainers with big assets
  • TRAFFIC: From Rick to Rick – a change of guard
  • Frank Schilling’s list of precious .tv domains
  • Retweeting 101: the basics of hitting RT in twitter
  • Make money from domains even if you’re a teenager
  • And many more

Don’t miss our daily musings in the days to come; the dryness and lack of humor will match Sahara’s average condensation and overall sand viscosity.

We love catering to the Domainus Neanderthalensis genus of readers, that cannot comprehend human writing nor do they possess any control of the facial muscles that relate to laughing.

Copyright © 2025 · All Rights Reserved.


17 Responses to “ goes mainstream – No more parody news”
  1. fizz says:

    Nooooooooooooooooooooooo….bring back the humour!! Don’t let members of Domainus Neanderthalensis spoil it!

  2. Chef Patrick says:

    “What did Chef Patrick cook for breakfast last Tuesday?”

    I don’t wake up until lunch time.

    “Yes, they are real: Female domainers with big assets”

    Leave this to me!

  3. Richard says:

    Where’s the coverage on those category killer .tel sales? jam on!

  4. 🙂 this should be the most humorous post I read here…

  5. Korey says:

    Clearly a parody of a parody 😀 Well done!

  6. I get this now. This is clearly a joke about creating real news 🙂 I would never begin to believe otherwise with the DomainGang.

  7. John says:

    Lol, don’t let the man bring you down Theo. Rock on!


  8. andy kelly says:

    Guys you can’t go straight !!!!
    To hell with idiots who can’t read !!!!
    DG can’t sell out

    Stick with the humour, whats one ill received post? Well ill received by a few humourless idiots who just don;t get it. If you have to spell it out put in your logo “Everything written on this blog isn’t true !”

    The domain news space needs your wit. You were the first site to do what you do. Don’t join the sheep !

  9. I just registered, net, org, info, us and biz. Strangely enough dot me was taken. Thanks for the idea,

  10. Finally, a sane response from one of the top 100 domainer blogs. Can you also look into investigative journalism? Interested to find out who was behind the “No Hyphen at the start or end of a domain” What interest groups paid someone off to get that inserted into the rules as the last min. Seems fishy. Looking forward to your piece.

  11. Michael says:

    A joke about not joking any more… I love it 🙂

  12. Well done! I had great fun reading today’s article, it sounded… terribly true!!

  13. RJ says:

    Viva la Domain Gang!

  14. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    Thank you all for your supportive comments.

    By popular vote, we change focus back to entertainment and parody news for domainers 😀 Nobody wants to read regurgitated news – domainers need fun and laughs (and better solutions for higher PPC!)


  15. Patrick McDermott says:

    “ goes mainstream – No more parody news”

    Wait a minute.

    Do you mean all the prior DG blog postings which I took to heart were just parody?

  16. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    Patrick, it depends. We often post caustic truth disguised as parody. Other times, we disguise parody as caustic truth. There are many ways to skin a cat. Your mileage may vary. Void where prohibited by law.

  17. Maestrus says:

    “By popular vote, we change focus back to entertainment and parody news for domainers.”

    Democracy makes sense 🙂

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