DropCatch Quad: Four #domain auctions on July 18, 2022 including ParadiseFlowers.com

Welcome to another edition of DropCatch Quad; a quick and to the point analysis of domain auctions that closed on DropCatch today.

I’ve been following DropCatch auctions for a while, sharing via Twitter some interesting auction results that caught my eye. As much as I can, I follow them to the (bitter) end, not bidding but watching the outcome.

Most such auctions involve domains that inexplicably expired, then dropped, and were acquired by domain investors (primarily) via the DropCatch behemoth platform.

Today’s DropCatch Quad, without further ado:

ParadiseFlowers.com – Paradise flowers look like a bird but they are 100% vegetarian. Registered in 1997, the domain was let go by Webnames Canada; it was the domain of Woodland Nurseries Ltd. in Canada, eh.  The auction closed at $1,000 dollars. That’s a lot of paradise flowers.

PropertyFile.com – Sounds like a great domain for real estate and other properties, this domain was registered in 2013 originally but Register Italy dropped the ball. It sold for $565 dollars. Looks like the real estate market is dropping fast.

YogaConcept.com – A nice domain for a yoga business letter that was registered in 2002 originally, before OVH SAS dropped the renewal ball. It was registered to a French yoga studio that closed down in 2021. It sold for $324 dollars or about a dozen yoga mats.

LongHammer.com – If you have a long hammer, you can hit a lot of nails. This domain was pointed to Lunghammer.com before that one dropped as well. The domain was registered in 2005 before it dropped at DNStination Inc. The domain sold for $130 dollars, which just about buys you a basic hammer kit from Home Depot.

And that’s all for today, see you soon.

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