Dubai or Russia? Aleks(ander) claims treated him with “corporate racism”

Another day, another fringe report about on Trustpilot.

This time around, a guy by the name of “Aleks” whose locale is recorded as being Turkey, left a negative review with some pretty strong claims.

In his attempt to buy and pay for the domain, the self-professed entrepreneur from Dubai was allegedly denied completion of the transaction.

He claims that the actions constitute “corporate racism.”

Says Aleks:

“Previously, I used the services of purchasing domains on the website, but yesterday an unpleasant incident occurred. When I tried to buy a domain at a price of $5,000 by pay the money, I waited for several days to receive the domain, but ultimately I received a message with a refusal to transfer the domain, due to the fact that my nationality does not meet company policy.

Provided that I do not live in the country where I was born, I am an entrepreneur from Dubai and pay for the purchase from my corporate account. I tried to find out what exactly the problem was, at first they told me that there were some sanctions against entrepreneurs from Dubai, I asked to clarify what, but they told me that they simply didn’t like me, period.

I did not receive the domain, the money has not yet been returned to my account. It is very sad that we live in an era of corporate racism. This all looks like a funny joke but no, it’s really so, I copied the entire and will definitely publish it. Be careful if your nationality is not white European, you may be denied service.”

We can only think of one possibility: Aleks is in fact Russian and there is a strong chance that, like other companies and nations worldwide impose sanctions to Russian corporations, all thanks to dictator Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

As far as we know, no country or organization is imposing any type of sanctions on Dubai, where an international domain conference takes place at the beginning of November.

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One Response to “Dubai or Russia? Aleks(ander) claims treated him with “corporate racism””
  1. Greatest Branding says:

    Hello ,
    FYI Germany still buys oil from Russia . Austrian bank raifeisen , Italian unicredit, and American citibank still works and have operate businesses in Russia.

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