#Epidemic .com : Yet another mass disease #domain up for sale

Domain investors should be familiar by now with two Greek words related to disease: Epidemic and pandemic.

There’s a third one, endemic, that describes the initial stages of the Covid-19 virus, that started as a local disease in Wuhan, China.

The matching .com domains are extremely synced with current news, as the Coronavirus moved outside of China as an epidemic, and eventually became a pandemic.

We covered the status of Pandemic.com, and now it seems that Epidemic.com is also up for sale on Afternic.

The asking price is $1,000,000 dollars with a minimum offer of $750,000 dollars. And now for some fun numbers: if the domain were to sell for $676,000 dollars, that’d represent one thousandfold its acquisition cost of just $676 dollars in 2005.


That Snapnames auction’s winner was Gary Chernoff. You can inquire directly for Epidemic.com at NetIncome.

Make sure you have one million in the bank, and if you pay with cash, wash your hands with soap and water afterwards!

Covid-19 began as an epidemic in China.

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One Response to “#Epidemic .com : Yet another mass disease #domain up for sale”
  1. Data Glasses says:

    Way too negative, my offer is 8 toilet rolls

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