ESQwire: WIPO to provide emotional support to recipients of RDNH decisions

WIPO, the World Intellectual Property Organization, is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland; the Red Cross also has its offices a few blocks away.

The close operation of the two organizations has inspired the formation of a humanitarian support group for those UDRP Complainants that faced the soul-scarring delivery of a Reverse Domain Name Hijacking finding.

“UDRP panelists need to understand that Complainants are humans too,” said Olaf von Fritzburger, head of the WIPO Council for Emotional Support.

“Some law firms, particularly ESQwire, have been causing those Complainants emotional scarring. The loss of UDRP cases with a RDNH finding is particularly damaging to a Complainant’s psyche, and the ESQwire lawyers seem to be relentless!” exclaimed Fritzburger.

In recent months, the ESQwire law firm has managed to achieve numerous UDRP decisions delivered on behalf of their clients, successfully seeking a finding of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking.

The law firm’s attorneys, Ari Goldberger and Jason B. Schaeffer, have become relentless advocates of the RDNH finding on behalf of their clients that were hit with a UDRP, and the cases are multiplying.

“It’s not fair that a particular domain law firm ranks so high in the WIPO results, as far as RDNH is concerned,” said Olaf von Fritzburger.

“Why try to punish the Complainants so hard, all they want is to obtain a domain name and they end up being emotionally scarred for life, so we are here to help,” added Fritzburger.

The WIPO Council for Emotional Support gathers on the 20th of every month, to provide emotional counseling to UDRP Complainants hit with a RDNH finding. Ten minute long hug sessions seem to be a welcome addition to the Council’s range of services.

If your company lost a UDRP case as a Complainant, with a Reverse Domain Name Hijacking finding, chances are that ESQwire defended the case for the Respondent. Get the emotional support you need, from WIPO’s Council. It’s free.

Note: ESQwire is a premium sponsor of, and this is a parody post, but you already knew that.

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