Father Domainicus: Intellectual onanism and Brother Frank’s vision

Greetings and salutations, my brothers and sisters in domaining – this is Father Domainicus, with a special message on this fine, sunny Sunday.

Many a moon ago, I was granted access to Brother Frank’s personal vision about the future of our beloved Domain Church.

I was astounded, shocked, perplexed.

Father Domainicus seeking divine blessing.

Brother Frank, I asked, what are you preaching to the fine folk – a heresy? A deviation from the words of the Domain Lord? How is it possible to dethrone what people believe in, how is it not disastrous and dangerous to the mere existence of our faith? Isn’t that a sin?

Smiling to me in a heavenly smile, Brother Frank gave me the best lesson that a loving brother among domainers would give.

“The future does not belong to you, Father Domainicus, or anyone else who live their lives in a manner possessive of it. The future is free, unchainable, it is a breeze that blows away the stench of stagnant waters; a feather’s touch on the cheeks of the whipped. By acknowledging your mortality and short lifespan, you are embracing the future, you become one with it, you set yourself free.”

Brother Frank’s words were a true blessing to my ears. I was no longer a slave of my emotions and beliefs, I was no longer a manifestation of mental onanism. I became free, by reconciling with the facts of life, so eloquently and lovingly explained by Brother Frank, who ended thus:

“Many men cast stones at those who do not understand, and as one such stone-pelted man a decade ago, I envisioned an industry where life is what you make out of it. I envisioned progressive minds co-creating the future, not destroying it before it’s even built. Learn to embrace the different, and you shall find happiness in all eternity. Amen.”

My heart was filled by jubilation, for Brother Frank’s words spoke of a future that should be built, not destroyed; it is a future we have borrowed from our children, a future that we now have the opportunity to take charge of, to shape, expand and deliver with love.

Oh, the joys of domaining that await us! Oh, the heartfelt, prosperous growth of the Domain Church, used to praise our Domain Lord for all eternity!

With love, and warm kisses on your cheeks, I remain yours.

~ Father Domainicus.

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9 Responses to “Father Domainicus: Intellectual onanism and Brother Frank’s vision”
  1. JBS says:

    Best post by the father ever! let those haters hate. When the time comes, they wont have much to say.

  2. DomainGang says:

    JBS – Father Domainicus and Brother Frank preach about love and understanding, the foundation of our Domain Church. Thank you for your support, brother!

  3. Aaron Strong says:

    Welcome! …… brother JBS.

  4. jackieboy says:

    you forgot the money part, embrace the money. frank needs your donations to reach his nirvana.

  5. DomainGang says:

    jackoffboy – Sorry, I mean, jackieboy, when you go to the store do you buy everything advertised on TV? Please apply the same logic here: nobody – and I mean, NOBODY – shoves a gTLD down your throat to buy. But that doesn’t mean others won’t choose a product because they like it. Mmmkay?

  6. jackieboy says:

    people are buying because they think they can sell or are worried about missing the boat, simple as that. frank has forsaken the domain god, thinking he can control the future with marketing dollars. its all very sad.

  7. DomainGang says:

    jackieboy – You do realize how silly that argument is? Frank is only a small part of the gTLD market. Donuts, Inc. is almost 10x bigger. Others, such as Google, Amazon, Microsoft already have a strategic advantage: they control the search results. Stop being a blindfolded bat, open your eyes.

  8. jackieboy says:

    Oh, I know. I really doubt google will just sell domains at godaddy like the others though. Most people are buying out of fear than anything else. Gee, what if gtlds take over and I have none…what if someone else take it…etc. All this gtld stuff is great for blogger advertising dollars, isn’t it?

  9. DomainGang says:

    jackieboy – What you doubt or not doubt makes no difference in how this unfolds. Hope to see you registering some good gTLD names, not like the ones you dropped: xtremecock.com etc. Back to the Oscars!

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