Father Domainicus: The pitiful results of the dot .JUNK auction

Father Domanicus – Our channel to the Domain Lord.

Good Sunday morning, my brothers and sisters in domaining, this is Father Domainicus with an important recap about a particular domain auction.

During the past several weeks, many members of our domainer congregation received several email messages, urging them to bid on .JUNK domains.

The emails, sent by Marysa Lykhasa blonde woman from Azerbaijan who is gifted in the bosom size – were urging everyone to bid on .JUNK domains, in a marketing scheme involving the company Shits-and-Giggles.

As all experienced domainers know, when the devil wants to promote its wares, he utilizes women that are buxom or have tantalizing curves.

As a man of faith, I can disperse the evil thoughts and see such messages for what they are: spamming introductions that the devil controls.

Our Domain Lord does not condone of spamming, especially the kind that Shits-and-Giggles utilized. The physically lovely Marysa Lykhas tried to fool many a domainer, claiming that she returned from a sabbatical.

Fortunately, after the .JUNK auction failed miserably to attract victims, Marysa will be going back to her sabbatical, from what I hear.

And this is the message of the day, my domaining children: spread the word of the Domain Lord and do not spam about domains, for his wrath will come onto you like a brick house from heavens.

I leave you with a passionate, yet brotherly kiss on both cheeks.

~Father Domainicus.


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