Greetings and salutations, my brothers and sisters in domaining; this is Father Domainicus, currently on a conference call with other Domainers Without Frontiers.
Recently, our humble Domain Church has been flooded by questions, most of them related to the infectious rise and spread of a particular, unmentionable gTLD.
One of these questions asked, “Father Domainicus, how can the viral effects of this purple-spotting disease be stopped?”
My dear domainer children, indeed, once this abominable gTLD has installed itself in your domain portfolios, it is very hard to get rid of. The mere contact with the sweat, saliva or fecal matter coming from the creepy, purple-stained men promoting it, can almost surely pass on the disease.
Most domainers would agree, that receiving free domains is one thing, but receiving a gTLD disease is a clear indication from our Domain Lord that we are facing the End of Domainer Days.
Is there cure, is there hope, is there a way to get rid of this infectious gTLD and stop it from spreading?
Domain Registries catering to new gTLDs have to provide 3 years of support for any gTLD, and it seems that the particular Registry will eat up the renewal fees for two more years, before pulling the plug. Or perhaps, they will continue to bleed from this unnatural orifice, just like when one gets infected with the deadly Ebola virus.
Keep on being vigilant reporting any unethical freebies and artificially enhanced growth numbers shared by those that are already infested, and keep on praying for the salvation of your domain portfolios. Amen.
~Father Domainicus.
It’s easy to get rid of …… just register GtldCream.Com and it should pass