Domain lists without supporting data are as good as grocery lists. Did you forget the celery?
If you have been watching the Domaining.com timeline since last night, the ongoing argument is who has the bigger, longer and uncut domain list.
Instead of partying on a Saturday evening, some people actually argued about whose list is the most well-endowed.
[Insert *Roll eyes* emoticon here].
While domain lists are important, they lose their significance when the following things occur:
- They are openly shared with a bunch of people, thus increasing competition.
- The lists are simply selections that “sound” or “look” good.
- There is no supporting data for these domains: no age, traffic, Google results, Alexa rating etc.
- They are picked for other reasons, e.g. to promote domains listed by friends, affiliates or the list-makers themselves.
It’s no secret that “pre-release” or “drop lists” contain domains that are listed for sale, versus truly becoming available to drop-catch. These domains almost certainly have a reserve, particularly on NameJet. They won’t sell, unless the reserve is met.
Until about 2009, spending money to compete on pre-released, expiring domains on venues such as NameJet meant exactly that: the domains would be deleted unless someone picked them up at the auction.
Since the introduction of special groups that were allowed to list domains that would not otherwise drop, the game has changed completely. There is little opportunity to get quality, aged domains for the entry fee of $69, so be prepared for a bidding war and keep your credit cards loaded.
Meanwhile, uber-domainer Frank Schilling owns DomainLists.com – a domain he acquired exactly a year ago from its previous owner. According to Top WHOIS tool, DomainTools, the domain is listed for sale for $9,900.
As always, Frank Schilling knows best.
The best domain list is one that has the word SEX in it.
BullS – I usually filter those obscene words out, you dirty domainer!