Frank Schilling and his new look
Some of us have delved into the dirty sport of registering famous people’s names at some point in time. But even if you haven’t done it, I’m sure you thought about doing it.
Right? Right.
How stupid can one be though, as a member of the domainer community, to register the domain name of Frank Schilling?
We are not talking about an attempt to register a name like John Smith here but rather, the full name of *the* Frank Schilling – the legendary uber-domainer that practices domaining success from the Caymans.
An attempted sale of Frank-Schilling.com was closed over at DNForum where domainers buy and sell domain names; however, the unconvinced seller started a new thread complaining about the closure of his first cybersquatting attempt, as follows:
You’re allowed fan sites of people, others have that name.
We’re not using it for now, so it’s not parked or anything
I’m allowed to sell anyone’s name .com
I’m allowed to run a fan site on anyone’s name
I see TM’s offered here and they threads aren’t closed
U guys affraid of Frank Schilling
I think a fan or parody site is fair use so it’s allowed to be operated and I can sell or offer anything I own for sale
LMK what rule it violated, I got a bunch of famous figure stuff I’d like to offer here
What can we say other than – Frank, take a look and give Howard Neu a call.
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It’s a total waist of time to ague with this individual.. ugh!
Dan – Stupidity is very profound
“Frank Schilling gets Cybersquatted upon!”
It’s not the first time.
Soon after Frank Schilling first started blogging back in 2007 someone registered the .COM
version of his name the way it sounds: FrankShilling.com.
Tric – Whoever parked it at Sedo hasn’t checked it recently.
The clown got banned but not without spewing out some more junk.