It’s been two weeks since the GDPR, an over-reaching European Union law became a global nuisance.
Millions of dollars have been spent already on legal services, consultations and adjustments of practices, per the requirements of the GDPR. Quite often, the money spent went to waste.
Keeping track of the GDPR madness is – a web site dedicated to incidents of threats and other horror stories related to the GDPR, including “wrongful” implementations of the GDPR.
Its operator, a European citizen, is taking a pro-GDPR stance, and that’s ok. If only the EU would keep the GDPR in its pants, and reserve its Draconean rules strictly for its citizens, instead of wiggling it around to the rest of the world.
Unfortunately, this isn’t the case, and the European bureaucrats are preparing yet another law that will stifle fair use and will tax “deep linking” of content, under the pretext of copyright protection.
Article 13 is a draft for a copyright law that will once again attempt to enforce is provisions across the pond. It is clear, that the European Union is becoming a rogue state in an attempt to stifle global business and challenge American supremacy.
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I thought GDPR meant Great Domains Provide Returns