ICANN introduces Ebola-free zone for future conferences

Fadi Chehadé

Fadi Chehadé

The relocation of the ICANN52 conference, from Marrakesh to Singapore, was the result of bureaucracy succumbing to common sense.

Although it took ICANN committees a full week to decide from the date the consideration was announced, they definitely made a sensible decision, according to this poll.

Looking forward, ICANN is introducing Ebola-free zones within its global conferences, to prevent such issues from occurring again.

“We need to remain focused on the Fellowships and the Workshops of our Multi-Stakeholder models, and the Ebola virus is a distraction to our work,” said ICANN CEO, Fadi Chehadé.

“For this very reason, Ebola-free zones is our latest initiative, offering 5+21 days of ICANN meetings, with the latter part dedicated to a full quarantine of everyone participating,” added Chehadé, gesticulating for emphasis.

Under the new proposed initiative, all ICANN conference participants will be quarantined for 21 days, following the 5 days of the actual conference. This way, even late comers will be screened on location for fever, purple spots, black tongue and profuse bleeding from the anus; the exams will be conducted by certified medical personnel in hazmat suits.

Definitely a great improvement to the health standards of every global conference, in order to sustain a free global Internet.

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