Sendai in Japan is known as the City of Trees.
The devastation in Japan after the 8.9 magnitude quake is quite unfortunate.
Thousands of people have lost their livelihood in the greater area of Sendai, not from the quake itself but from the catastrophic tsunami that followed.
According to Wikipedia, the city of Sendai is the capital city of Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, and the largest city in the Tōhoku Region. The city has a population of one million. Sendai was founded in 1600 and is well known by its nickname, the City of Trees.
Through this ongoing catastrophe there is a small positive element: Sendai has become a highly searched keyword overnight.
The lucky holder of Sendai.com is no other than veteran domainer Satoshi Shimoshita, known as “toho” on DNForum and DomainState.
We had the pleasure of engaging in domain transactions with Satoshi since before 2003; Satoshi travels to Vietnam often but he’s based in Tokyo, Japan. Satoshi is a great, professional domainer with years of experience in domaining.
Satoshi’s domain Sendai.com is most likely getting an onslaught of traffic, which should be converting rather nicely.
The devastation in the city of Sendai is heart-wrenching and we hope Satoshi Shimoshita and his family are safe.
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Maybe he can use it for a charity site. As for me, I wouldn’t want to make even a dime off of the
misery of others……………….
Alan – Satoshi owns the geodomain since 2004, it’s not like he registered it yesterday to profit from a disaster.
Thank God that domain is owned by him , natural born of the Land of the Rising Sun.
I’ll be real piss if it is own by someone else and definitely going to take advantage of the situation.
That tells you the power of geo Domain.
Am not surprise, you can start WWW3.
I thought you are going to write about the guy that started selling a domain about quake
It is the worst guy on the planet and he came saying he does give some part of the sale price to the affected people.
You need to write about that guy.
What would the traffic be converting into ? I’d imagine the CTR tanked as traffic rose.
I would have to agree with what Alan said. When I watched the news and heard about the tragedy just 12 hours ago, I was simply shocked at the sight of it. Japan is one of the world’s most successful countries in my opinion but now it’s going to need help in every possible way. The charity idea is a great one. It may not be the only solution but certainly can be a starting point. Every penny counts in these situations.
Our hearts go out to all those who have been struck by this calamity.
Here is my idea… been ‘practicing’ it bit over the last few years…but maybe it is time to take it to a higher level.
All comments are welcomed….Pro or Con or Whatever
Peace To All!
Has to be one of the worst parking pages ive seen! This should have been developed with info on the city years ago..