Two letter .com domain has changed hands

The ultra memorable domain has been sold, according to a Tweet by domain investor, James Booth, who brokered the sale: Sold – Congrats to the buyer and seller πŸŽ‰ — Domain (@domain) February 29, 2024 Registered in 1995, the two-letter domain name had been in the possession of Japanese domain investor Satoshi […]

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#Electrum .net : An 18 year old #domain was lost via the #UDRP and here’s why is a domain registered in 2001, a full 18 years ago. Electrum Technologies GmbH, Germany, challenged its ownership based on a European trademark registered in 2019, and won. How is this possible? Apparently, the registrant copied the Complainant’s website at, and used this in phishing attempts that targeted Bitcoin wallets. The Complainant […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. UDRP : Satoshi Shimoshita prevailed, but no RDNH finding

Satoshi Shimoshita is a Japanese domain investor with a large domain portfolio. Webster Financial Corporation filed a UDRP against his domain,, which was registered in 2001, seeking its transfer. The Complainant provides business and consumer banking, mortgage, insurance, trust, investment and other financial services. According to the UDRP, “since at least as early as […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. : UDRP deflected by Satoshi Shimoshita with RDNH finding!

Satoshi Shimoshita is a hard-working domain investor from Japan; many domainers who have been around for the past 15 years have probably done business with him at some point. Satoshi invests in generic, dictionary domains and compound word domains, and one of them,, was hit with a UDRP claim at the WIPO. The Complainant […]

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Domain investor’s portfolio of numeric domains stolen by Chinese thief

Veteran domain investor Satoshi Shimoshita, known as β€œtoho” on DNForum, announced the theft of a large portfolio of mostly numeric domains. The following 34 domains were stolen from his account at eNom, on July 27th and six more domains on August 3rd, after he had opened an emergency support ticket! First batch of stolen domains, […]

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‘Scandalous’ decision in re-allocation raises several questions

The decision on the case of the two letter domain being reallocated to the persons that allegedly owned it more than a dozen years ago is definitely scandalous. As Domain Name Wire mentioned, a lawsuit against Network Solutions brought by a group of people alleging to be the original owners of, has resulted […]

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Domain Name Forum plagued by nasty spam and bad jokes

It’s sad when a forum that was launched several years ago as an arena for domain professionals, has been almost completely annihilated. Plagued by spammers that constantly bombard its “Domains For Sale” and “Domains Wanted” sections with spam about iron golf clubs, looks nothing like the image that Japanese domain investor Satoshi Shimoshita had […]

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Japan Tsunami brings huge payday to veteran Domainer

The devastation in Japan after the 8.9 magnitude quake is quite unfortunate. Thousands of people have lost their livelihood in the greater area of Sendai, not from the quake itself but from the catastrophic tsunami that followed. According to Wikipedia, the city of Sendai is the capital city of Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, and the largest […]

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