Katya.com : Unreported sale involves former Schilling #domain name

Katya.com, a former domain asset of Frank Schilling’s portfolio, has been sold. The sale occurred after Schilling’s portfolio was taken over by NameFind, the GoDaddy repository of about 1 million corporate domain assets. That might indicate a price range lower than the typical six figures that Frank Schilling’s old team of brokers was aiming for.

How do we know when Katya.com was sold?

From the looks of it, the domain Katya.com changed hands in August of this year, unreported in recent lists of domains provided by GoDaddy. Its new registrant, Katya Varbanova, is a marketing innovator that has also applied for the matching trademark at the USPTO:

  • Downloadable educational course materials in the field of social media management, branding and graphic design; downloadable graphic design templates
  • Social media management, brand management, and creative brand development services for small businesses; consulting in the fields of social media and brand management
  • Online training, education and courses in the fields of graphic design, brand development, social media use, and brand storytelling
  • Graphic design services for small businesses; graphic design consultancy

The application for KATYA.COM was filed in October with an intent to use clause.


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