#Kimono .ORG for sale at $30,000 dollars; too late for one of Kim’s failed #brands?

The auction for the domain Kimono.org ended at $1,605 dollars, and the winner took home a major cultural keyword in Japan.

The domain was auctioned off at DropCatch; the timing of the auction was shockingly coincidental: Kim Kardashian’s choice of a new shapewear brand was called Kimono.

Kim Kardashian’s domain acquisition of Kimono.com, was put to use but was short-lived. Backlash from Japan criticized the kimono “underwear” selection, and the Kimono brand was dropped.

Kimono.org – Women in Japan would love it – Photo by Sofia Monteiro on Unsplash

The new owner of Kimono.org has listed it for sale using the Efty platform, but the domain is also for sale at Afternic, where it’s listed at $30,000 dollars with an option to make an offer.

Is it too late to acquire the domain from its current registrant, as the keyword is one of Kim Kardashian’s failed brands?

While the asking price appears to be high, it’s a great keyword; the domain would be suitable for a cultural center with focus on Japan, such as one that uses the domain Kimono.co.jp locally.

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3 Responses to “#Kimono .ORG for sale at $30,000 dollars; too late for one of Kim’s failed #brands?”
  1. domainggg says:

    It’s a Mid $xx,xxx to Low $xxx,xxx domain name (IMO) and best tld after Kimono.com as it has a lot of development potential, also failed Kim brand may help the value to increase as it has already received some free publicity for a fail brand. Nice domain IMO, it may sell soon.

  2. Data Glasses says:

    IS it too late …… idontknowmo

  3. Jon says:

    If it’s worth than $30k, why weren’t there more bidders bidding it up. It’s been talk about a lot due to it association with kimono.com
    Worth less imo

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