Domain (re)branding : #Kim Kardashian drops her #kimono!

Kim Kardashian’s acquisition of was probably in the six figure range.

The fashion socialite announced the change in plans, caving in to social backlash from Japan over her choice of a brand:

“My brands and products are built with inclusivity and diversity at their core and after careful thought and consideration, I will be launching my Solutionwear brand under a new name. I will be in touch soon. Thank you for your understanding and support always.”

It remains to be seen which domain will Kim select next. Dropping and performing an act of domain rebranding won’t hurt her wallet as much as her public image; her net worth is in the hundreds of millions of dollars, so technically she can afford to lose a domain such as

For the record, the plural version,, was sold for $11,770 dollars during TRAFFIC 2007. Many thanks to domain investor and former owner of DNForum, Greg Ricks, for sharing this information about his old sale with us.

Kudos for news update: Elliot Silver.

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