NameJet bid: Domainer given a second chance via funded surgery

Last SMS before crashing.

When Peter Pappas was injured in a fiery car accident, little did he know that his text message would scar him – for life.

The 27 year old domain investor from Milwaukee was giving his sister a ride home after a party, when he decided to respond to an SMS sent by one of his buddies.

“I wish I hadn’t responded to that text message, I had told my friend and business partner Zac to keep an eye on a NameJet auction,” said Pappas.

“He texted me about whether he should be upping the bid. It was really crucial to get him an answer,” explained Pappas.

Peter Pappas after the accident.

While attempting to send a text out with a number figure, Pappas lost control of his vehicle, hitting the green median and flipping over twice, before hitting the trees in the dense woods.

As if by miracle, both he and his sister survived – but he suffered severe injuries.

Peter Pappas’s face was badly scarred, transforming his rugged, manly looks into a meaty, swollen pile of distorted features.

“I regret texting back while I was driving, it made my life miserable in the past three years,” says Pappas.

Reconstructive surgery was the only option, and thanks to a fund provided by NameJet and eNom, he might be getting his face back.

“I’m excited by the generosity of NameJet, they make millions from us domainers and they offered to pay for my reconstructive surgeries. Thank you, NameJet!”

Peter Pappas is looking forward to the results, and plans to put them to test when he attends TRAFFIC next year.

The moral of the story is obvious: don’t text while driving! It can wait.

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