Rick Schwartz breaks his silence – Lashes out at ignoramus

Rick Schwartz - Photo courtesy of DNJournal.com

If we were to believe that this is a public comment by Rick Schwartz, it’d be the first time that the domain king engages in a public debate since his blogging silence of December 1st.

Rick’s comment on the “Domain investing is dead” article by Flippa executive, Andrew Knibbe, is heard loud and clear:

“Some will point to Frank and say he is selling a lot of domains. Excuse me but that is only half the equation of that. They fail to see he is still buying more than he is selling. That holds true with EVERY single REAL domainer I know.”

Rick continues with another of his famous points, about pigeon shit domains:

btw, you should just fix the title and then it would be accurate. Let me help you. “Pigeon Shit Domains are Dead”

The writing style and staccato writing rhythm along with varying capitalization is very characteristic of Rick’s writing, who concludes:

“Domaining is thriving, just the domainers with no valuable domains are DEAD! That’s a big difference.”

The Flippa-sponsored article was published on pro-blogger John Chow’s blog.

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6 Responses to “Rick Schwartz breaks his silence – Lashes out at ignoramus”
  1. partnercash says:

    good points made by Rick on THAT WEBMASTER blog where people reading it are mostly webmasters building ‘value’ on pigeon shit domains whatever their bankroll is

  2. Just wondering if all the blog posts on Domain Gang are made up for fun, or are true, or are a mixture of the both? For example, this post looks legit, but I’ve seen others that are obviously made up to parody something.

  3. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    Domain Report – This link will answer all your questions 😀

  4. Who is Flippa serving?
    Theyr comments would shake the domain market a little but it is going to come up stronger than before!

  5. Neutron says:

    Everything is rosey when it’s all smoke and mirrors, right Rick?

  6. Mike says:

    I dont know about anyone else but the grammar of people’s posts are horrendous. Didnt anyone go to school?

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