Not one, but two WHOIS shields at Fabulous.com !
If you haven’t been reading the news, Rick Schwartz *almost* revealed the culprit of a scandalous data breach by a Moniker employee.
Who is the guy?
It doesn’t matter right now but it will matter after his name is revealed. 😉
Cashing on this spectacular “inner job” comes Fabulous.com with a new product: the Double WHOIS Shield ™
Says Mike Robertson of Fabulous.com:
“It’s a clever implementation of a double protection with two keys: one is for the WHOIS data and the other key only exists in separate financial records. So to unscramble the WHOIS information, a malicious employee would have to access both keys; something impossible with our new layers of in-house security!”
Once implemented, the new Double WHOIS Shield ™ will display “junk” when someone peeks at the raw database without the second key that only the CEO would have access to. A typical, malicious employee would see something like:
Once again, Fabulous.com is a pioneer in the domain registrar business! 😀
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LOL. Loved this one guys.
Thank you James, have a wonderful New Year!