Some domainers are laughing their ass off over the sale of Sex.com
The celebrations about the $13 million sale of Sex.com might not last long, according to a senior domain analyst.
Johan Dipthroat from the Oklahoma domain investors’ bureau explains:
“Many domainers are unable to comprehend how a domain with such a lengthy history of scandalous controversy has finally been sold”, says Johan. “No more conspiracy, no more headline news. It’s over.”
“Particularly when as a LLL .com it contains the awfully bad letter ‘X’ that devalues the domain tremendously”, adds Johan.
Many domain experts believe that a LLL .com with at least one bad letter, such as J, Q, X, Z loses 1/3 of its value the moment it is registered. Others, include the letters K, H, Y and U to the list.
“It’s devastating seeing a brandable domain such as Sex.com be valued at only $13 million, due to this bad letter”, states Johan Dipthroat.
“If it weren’t for the letter ‘X’ it would have probably exceeded $20 million dollars, rest assured.”
Meanwhile, the overall pricing of LLL .com domain names gained a sudden boost from the sale of Sex.com which will compete with Ass.com – a top-shelf adult domain owned by Rick Schwartz.
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You domainers are clueless.
Give me this domain and I’ll have it making $13 million a year inside of 12 months.
Joby – How would you do that?
i think pornhub was a handreg but then again so was sex.com in 1994. timing matters.
In my personal opinion, here x does not considered as a bad character at all.
because, no Domainer should valuate this sale as a LLL.com sale., instead should valuate as a generic / Pronounceable dictionary word. Sex, pharps one of the most frequently typed word on internet.
Domainers, being domainers. They look at Sex.com merely as for what it is…a true blue developer would have other ideas, right Joby?
Todaro – Great observation!
Are you a “true blue developer” Robin?
Kandyjet – humor was wasted on you
The only SEX I know is……with ….the real warm blooded breading organs
Of course, Sex.com a waste of money ($13 million!!!)
With that money , you could buy 100 domains 10 times better than Sex.com