a waste of money – says Expert Analyst

Some domainers are laughing their ass off over the sale of

The celebrations about the $13 million sale of might not last long, according to a senior domain analyst.

Johan Dipthroat from the Oklahoma domain investors’ bureau explains:

“Many domainers are unable to comprehend how a domain with such a lengthy history of scandalous controversy has finally been sold”, says Johan. “No more conspiracy, no more headline news. It’s over.”

“Particularly when as a LLL .com it contains the awfully bad letter ‘X’ that devalues the domain tremendously”, adds Johan.

Many domain experts believe that a LLL .com with at least one bad letter, such as J, Q, X, Z loses 1/3 of its value the moment it is registered. Others, include the letters K, H, Y and U to the list.

“It’s devastating seeing a brandable domain such as be valued at only $13 million, due to this bad letter”, states Johan Dipthroat.

“If it weren’t for the letter ‘X’ it would have probably exceeded $20 million dollars, rest assured.”

Meanwhile, the overall pricing of LLL .com domain names gained a sudden boost from the sale of which will compete with – a top-shelf adult domain owned by Rick Schwartz.

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8 Responses to “ a waste of money – says Expert Analyst”
  1. Joby says:

    You domainers are clueless.

    Give me this domain and I’ll have it making $13 million a year inside of 12 months.

  2. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    Joby – How would you do that?

  3. todaro says:

    i think pornhub was a handreg but then again so was in 1994. timing matters.

  4. kandyjet says:

    In my personal opinion, here x does not considered as a bad character at all.
    because, no Domainer should valuate this sale as a sale., instead should valuate as a generic / Pronounceable dictionary word. Sex, pharps one of the most frequently typed word on internet.

  5. Robin Ong says:

    Domainers, being domainers. They look at merely as for what it is…a true blue developer would have other ideas, right Joby?

  6. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    Todaro – Great observation!

    Are you a “true blue developer” Robin?

    Kandyjet – humor was wasted on you 😀

  7. BullS says:

    The only SEX I know is……with ….the real warm blooded breading organs

  8. Ben says:

    Of course, a waste of money ($13 million!!!)
    With that money , you could buy 100 domains 10 times better than

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