Sex, drugs and rock’n roll: Woodstock as a .com 45 years later

On August 15, 1969, what started as a gathering of sorts at the Woodstock Music Festival, became a huge congregation of free-spirited, music-loving, drug-experimenting individuals.

Far out, man.

Woodstock, 45 years ago, became the symbol of revolt against authoritarianism, and sent a clear message of peace and anti-war sentiments to the conservative governments of the world.

More than half a million “hippies” made that possible, combining their love for music and peace in one great gathering of souls.

The US was deeply involved in Vietnam back then, and I personally rocked my toddler high chair.

Forty-five years later, a domain registered in 1998, according to DomainTools – provides a surprisingly great collection of mementos from the great festival of the summer of love.

Visit, man. Peace!

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