At exactly 11:00am Eastern US time, Uniregistry – Frank Shilling’s uber gTLD outfit – is rolling out its first two gTLDs, dot .sexy and dot .tattoo.
To understand the philosophy behind the launch of these gTLDs, one should watch the official dot .sexy and dot. tattoo videos.
Although Uniregistry will roll out its own domain registrar in March, offering low pricing for all of its gTLDs *and* for existing TLDs, one can register dot .sexy and dot .tattoo domain names by visiting the official Uniregistry page of accredited Registrars.
We’re wishing all the best to Frank – it’s his time to shine.
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The registry is extremely slow in updating, not sure what is going on, but domains that failed in pre-registration, are still being taken by hand registration, not sure if the orders are being filled.
Tom – I had no personal issues with pre-registrations or hand registrations, but these two gTLDs should be quite popular, especially right now.