Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum co-creator.
Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of the Ethereum cryptocurrency, has been a driving force in how cryptos are perceived outside of the geek circles.
The frail looking 23 year old Russian co-created Ethereum, a decentralized mining network and software development platform, to overcome the restrictions imposed on Bitcoin.
In August, Vitalik Buterin made a statement about the valuation of domain extensions, and .com in particular, saying:
In 2017, .io and .me are hot and cool, .com is established, but stale and boring.
During the ensuing discussion on Twitter, Drew Rosener responded via his Media Options account:
.io is cool, no doubt I like it for residential RE; If you want to build a skycraper you need a solid foundation w/ a .COM #trust #security
Followed with:
Especially for crypto currency companies, I think it is irresponsible to use anything but .com because of email security & spoofing and risk
Vitalik Buterin is aware of the availability of Ethereum.com for sale, a domain that was first registered in 2006.
The current asking price of $10 million USD for Ethereum.com, might be prohibitive for the .com’s biggest – if not sole – potential buyer, the Ethereum Foundation.
If Vitalik Buterin doesn’t care that much about the .com, it’s because his programming and open-source background potentially defines other business priorities.
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Love these ongoing posts about ETHEREUM. Please keep them coming.
I am with Vitalik on this. On .io you can get 1 word brands, (and they used plasma.io to launch their concept of plasma blockchain). I think Andrew in the wrong here. Since it just not feasible for anyone to get 1 word .com for any reasonable amount, while .io is open for the taking. Starts ups in this space dont want long name, and with .com thats the only one you can get
Dk – Truth be told, .io is the poor man’s .org, not even close to .com.
Its not about close, its about functionality for the right price. Plasma.com would around 1mil, maybe more. Plasma.io probably cost them low 5 digits, maybe even high 4 figures.
.org has nothing to do with .io , same as .net . Both are old extensions that have very specific uses.
.io for many startups implies cool short name, sure they would prefer .com , but they cant afford it, so .io is one of their top choices.
One words .com is history to anyone other than a very well funded start up or existing company. Andrew talking about skyscraper, but if the company doesnt have few hundred k in the very least, the is no skyscraper to talk about. \
And this one from Andrew “Especially for crypto currency companies, I think it is irresponsible to use anything but .com because of email security & spoofing and risk”
just crazy since most ico companies on .io. A bit to late to scream fire, when almost every ico uses .io
I think Andrew just wants to sell his crypto names, i know he been pretty active recently in buying up .coms.
Someone buy that kid a hamburger.com
Vitalik needs to forget about domains and focus on eating. He looks like he’s about one meall away from starving to death.