With TRAFFIC in Ft. Lauderdale approaching fast, there’s been more pressure to reveal what’s in the bag of goodies typically given to every attendee of the popular domain conference.
According to some information we gathered, the TRAFFIC bag of goodies will be extra special this year, possibly containing the following items:
- The first chapter of Rick Schwartz’s upcoming book, “Pigeon Shit: How to bust out of this Crappy Domain Game“, autographed.
- Free candy from Candy.com with Rick’s picture on the wrappers.
- A measuring tape to measure one’s own shadow before and after selling a domain. Works with other body parts as well.
- DIY analyzer kit to spot bad shrimp served at the buffet.
- A map of Ft. Lauderdale with all the TRAFFIC affiliate shoppes marked with a “Visit Now” logo.
- The latest edition of “Numerology: Why numbers don’t lie and people do“.
- An invitation to become a junior associate Freemason, sponsored by Skenzo.
- Key chains with Rick Latona’s monogram (leftover from a previous TRAFFIC).
Of course, not a single one of those goodies compares to the exhilarating atmosphere and experience gathered by attending the TRAFFIC conference in person!
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Don’t forget the goodies are taxable.
Added in the goodies bag, couple tubes of sensual cream and oil, boxes of condoms and…
vibrators with the brand TrafficV.
A special measuring tape to measure the male Dickie before and after sale of a domain.
BullS – That’s just sick. In a fun sort of way 😀