Google – the 800-pound search engine Gorilla – is notorious for not always being fair and square with its AdSense program.
Two weeks before Christmas, the AdSense account of an active content provider was closed down without warning.
UK-based Dylan Winter tells his horror story of how thousands of dollars in AdSense earnings were kept by Google without much of a chance to further review his situation.
Mr. Winter explains that Google’s automated process is the culprit and that it’s designed in such a way that it excludes human intervention when making such decisions. Good thing that Google does not control the US nukes!
Read the story at Dylan Winter’s web site.
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My god, poor man. But there is really not much choice do we? Chitika is shit, Infolinks pays so little…..
Robin – The story is particularly sad, considering his details about how much genuine effort he put to creating his popular videos.
Google is evil no matter what their MANTRA says… They accept advertising dollars from folks who are selling snake oil and then they dont pay out, as is the case for this poor guy. You all know the ads I am talking about:
debts forgiven by credit card companies – yea right…..
some “single mom” in, of all places, MY HOME TOWN, has figured out the ‘secret’ to whiter teeth! AND, not only that, she has been earning $1500 per week from her new WORK AT HOME JOB!!
Need I go on? Google is THE evil empire. They make Apple, Microsoft, the Boston Redsox and IBM looks like novices when it comes to being evil.
Moral of the story:
1) Don’t encourage your visitors to click on your advertising.
2) Sell ad space directly to advertisers instead of Google