Woe is me! Demand Media stock now lower than IPO

It’s a sad day for content farm giant, Demand Media: its stock has reached the lowest point yet, lower than its IPO price.

The primary reason: confirmation by Experian Hitwise that eHow and other Demand Media web sites lost more than 40% of their Google-originating traffic since the beginning of the year – all thanks to the so-called Panda 2.0 release by Google.

In an ironic match, today’s drop of the Demand Media stock represents a 40% drop since the January IPO.

Surely, tough times for so-called “content farms” and Demand Media is taking constant blows.

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5 Responses to “Woe is me! Demand Media stock now lower than IPO”
  1. BullS says:

    Why don’t you guys listen to me, you heard from me first the MR.BullS when the IPO first came out.

    Google read my site BullS that it is a useless BS site that provides redundant BS info that nobody wants.

    ha ha I told you so!!!

    Bankruptcy time.

    Next to go is EPIC model

  2. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    BullS – So you had “inside information”?

    What is the EPIC model?

  3. BullS says:

    Make http://www.BullShitWebsites.com as the homepage!!!

    You learn that in order to save money, you spend NOTHING which means,you don’t buy anything from any sites.

    All websites have no valueS. If I want entertainment, I come to domaingang.com

  4. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    BullS – By now everyone knows about BSW – please no more spamming, thanks.

  5. BullS says:

    Not everyone knows about BSW….

    Soon, I will be famous —will be all over on Oprah,CNN,ABC, larry king show, etc and I’ll make a point to mention your name.

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