You’ve read these impressive statements before, coming from the usual suspects:
“I would have bid $30,000 on but I didn’t, because [ … ]” or “Whoah! is on Namejet auction, it will surely be a bidding war! Don’t miss it.”
Hold on.
You’ve just witnessed an “Auction Hotshot Domainer” statement.
In other words, someone who safely bids well below the selling threshold of a domain, simply to get a whiff of the auction action and to subsequently make pompous statements as the ones above.
So here’s how you too can become an Auction Hotshot Domainer, in a few easy steps:
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- Join NameJet, then carpet bid the bare minimum $69 on every auction that appears on the homepage. Make sure you don’t bid $70 or you risk winning the domain and that’s not what you’re after!
- Blog about every damn domain that is dropping in the next 48 hours: domains that were not renewed, .tv, .me and .info “gems” that are expired – anything that is publicly available already. Your intention is to make people think these are huge opportunities and deals.
- When the auctions start, make sure your bids are safely below the winning range. For example: if an LLL .com is being auctioned, never bid more than $3,000. When you become an experienced Auction Hotshot Domainer, you will be able to up your bids to $4,999 – a dollar shy of the required payment by wire; that’s cash, that you don’t really have.
- Make sure you reveal the winner of the auction, as you – the Auction Hotshot Domainer – witnessed the epic final battle of those that were actually after the domain.
- Make sure you adamantly describe how your bid was not as high as the ridiculous, end-user winning bid, because you – the Auction Hotshot Domainer – knew better.
- Watch as people applaud your “successful” failure to win domains you could not have afforded in the first place.
- Enjoy the benefits of being an Auction Hotshot Domainer!
As always, Good one 😉
I might try this next time i’m bidding…hopefully they don’t lower the reserve and make me the winner!